Getting Involved

Our vision for OSA is rather ambitious (we think it can cover many topics and be applicable for many industries) and we think it has the potential to grow significantly, but there's no way we can acheive it without you helping.

The founders have direct experience in a few industries and for some use cases, but without a broad community we will not be able to achieve the quality and scope that can bring greatest benefit. We are still a small group, and if you get involved there's a real opportunity to shape the road map and direction taken.

Of course it's a non-profit organisation and therefore we can't offer anything other than the pleasure of sharing knowledge and helping improve the state of security, but if you'd still be willing to help or would like more information please send a mail to info (at)

We have changed the approach to registration on the site, and will be moving to a cleaner integrated social media experience. If you do pass over your contact details we will respect your privacy- your details will not be passed to any third parties and we will not contact you for any reason other than OSA.